
Why the week before Christmas is the perfect time to be calling prospects.

Yes, I know, your sales team a saying no one is available. They have already checked out for the holidays and are not in business mode. Now in truth, that will apply to 50% of your prospects, (and all of your sales team if you allow it!) but turn this assumption in its head and it think about it this way;

• 50% of your prospects may already be on holiday
• I can guarantee you that almost 100% of your competitors believe their sales people when that make this statement and accept no or low activity at this time of the year
• BUT! The other 50% of your prospects are still working, in a quiet period and therefore in a perfect mind-set to have quality conversations. They are relaxed, looking forward to the break, probably under little pressure from their own business (as many of their colleagues are also on holiday)

What this represents is A MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY

Don’t target your teams on volume in this special week. Get them to create a list of their most valuable HOT PROSPECTS and make sure they have a quality dialogue with them before the break. One which further qualifies the opportunity and clarifies just what they need to do to ‘secure the business’ early in the New Year.

Try it – you will not be disappointed.

Happy Christmas

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