
If you’re not using testimonials throughout your marketing, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful, easy-to-use and cheap SALES & marketing tools available to you.

Most of us would rather act on a referral from a friend than make a purchase based on a sales pitch alone.

We want to know that the product actually works before we take the leap to buy, and we’re bound to put more trust in someone who has already used the product successfully than the person trying to convince us to buy it.

Using glowing, fact-filled testimonials IN ALL YOUR MESSAGING will let them know that you’re worthy of their trust.

So let’s talk a bit more about this massive opportunity.

Adding testimonials is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to improve your Website, Landing pages, Social Media, Direct Mail, Email, RE-marketing adverts – any place where your prospects are looking at you. So why are testimonials so effective?


Testimonials build trust. Whether your customers are raving about what your product has done for them or about the great service you gave, they’re telling your visitors first and foremost that they had a positive experience with your products and company.

Testimonials aren’t “salesy.” Because testimonials aren’t written in your “voice,” they stand out in your copy as candid and unbiased accounts of how well your product works.

Testimonials overcome scepticism. A good testimonial has the power to convince even your “tough sell” visitors that your product or service really made a difference in your customer’s life–and can help them, too.

Simply put testimonials are fantastic SOCIAL PROOF

When a client says great things about you, about your work or the products you sell, give them the opportunity to turn that praise into a testimonial. Simply ask: “I’d really love to share your success with others. Would that be okay?”

People generally like to be helpful to other people, but they’ll rarely think to give you that all-powerful testimonial unless you ask.

They’ll feel much more engaged with your business and want it to be a success, so they’re much more likely to remain loyal than someone who hasn’t written one.

What’s more, when someone writes something nice about you, they put they’re name and reputation on the line – they won’t want to be publically proved wrong, so they’re more likely to stand behind their testimonial and become a staunch supporter of your business.

The bottom line is that customers who write great testimonials stay more loyal, which is why getting testimonials is such a key part of client retention.

Building testimonial capture into your sales process brings another useful bonus – a constant flow of new testimonials! Get it right and you’ll never have to worry about using old or out-of-date testimonials in your marketing.

Adding testimonials is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to improve your Website, Landing pages, Social Media, Direct Mail, Email, RE-marketing adverts – any place where your prospects are looking at you. So why are testimonials so effective?

Adding this single element to your marketing can multiply your profits – and get your customers selling your products for you.

Answering that question “What do people who’ve actually purchased and used your product or service think about it?” is one of the most fundamental tasks your marketing needs to accomplish–and it’s as simple to do as it is important.

By using testimonials in text, audio, pictorial or video format across all your marketing, you not only answer the question, you also transform your sales pitch into a credible, unbiased recommendation for your products & services.

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