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These letters have been used to help deliver great membership renewal results at many golf courses across 000’s of memberships. You can get yours for FREE. Just pop your details in the box and they will be winging their way to your inbox.

Clear, concise and highly commercial
"A few months ago, here at Pin High we decided to get to grips with marketing in the digital age. Recognising we needed some help we called Accordant.

One of my large venues was struggling for enquiries mainly around Weddings. Typically we had 8-10 hot leads bubbling at any one point but we'd hit a dry patch. Our normal marketing was just not delivering.
Using a Facebook campaign we targeted everyone within a 20 mile radius of the club and generated 900 + leads within 2 weeks and then we cut it off before melt down...

David and his team specialise in generating high quality leads using some real ninja digital techniques. Clear, concise and highly commercial - I highly recommend them."

Tony Healy

MD, Pin High Golf

David provides a rare combination of business growth coaching with fast in-sight into your business. During our success call he offered practical, to-the-point suggestions, while at the same time triggering broader introspection for me.  The success call is an excellent way to critically examine oneself and come back to your business with a fresh perspective. One of the best 60mins I have spent this year

Gideon Barker

Founder, Profundo Research

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